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- ;
- ; StreamIP.INF -- This file contains installation information for
- ; the StreamIP BDA codec
- ;
- ;
- [Version]
- signature="$CHICAGO$"
- LayoutFile=Layout.inf, Layout1.inf, Layout2.inf
- Class=Media
- ClassGUID={4d36e96c-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}
- Provider=%Msft%
- DriverVer=10/21/2000,5.1.2258.400
- [ControlFlags]
- ;
- ; Don't let this device be selected from "Add New Hardware" wizard.
- ;
- ExcludeFromSelect=*
- [Manufacturer]
- %MsftMfg%=Microsoft
- [DestinationDirs]
- StreamIP.Device.CopyDll=10,system32
- DefaultDestDir=12
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------
- ; M I C R O S O F T
- ;
- ; C O D E C
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------
- [Microsoft]
- ;
- ; This is the standard PnP Section for the device. It is called as a result
- ; of SWEnum enumerating this SW PnP device.
- ;
- %BDAcodec.DeviceDesc% = StreamIP.Device,SW\{D84D449B-62FB-4ebb-B969-5183ED3DFB51}
- [DefaultInstall]
- AddReg=StreamIP.Install
- Reboot = 1
- [DefaultInstall.NT]
- AddReg=StreamIP.Install
- [StreamIP.Install]
- ; This run once causes SWEnum to enumerate the MPE device.
- ; NOTE! This is the only way to install the device as an SWEnum device.
- ;
- HKLM,%RunOnce%,"STREAMIP0",,"rundll32.exe streamci,StreamingDeviceSetup %StreamIP.DeviceId%,GLOBAL,%GUID.BdaRenderer%,%17%\streamip.inf,BDAcodec"
- [StreamIP.Device]
- Include=bda.inf
- Needs=BDA.Registration,NdisIP.Installation
- AddReg=StreamIP.Device.AddReg
- ;
- ; Include the following line for post dx8 builds
- ;
- ;CopyFiles= StreamIP.Device.CopyDrivers, StreamIP.Device.CopyDll
- [StreamIP.Device.NT]
- Include=bda.inf
- Needs=BDA.Registration,NdisIP.Installation.NT
- AddReg=StreamIP.Device.AddReg.NT
- ;
- ; Include the following line for post dx8 builds
- ;
- ;CopyFiles= StreamIP.Device.CopyDrivers, StreamIP.Device.CopyDll
- [StreamIP.Device.AddReg]
- ;
- ; This section adds the driver service on 9x and adds device params
- ;
- HKR,,DevLoader,,*ntkern
- HKR,,NTMPDriver,,StreamIP.sys
- HKR,,DriverUsesSWEnumToLoad,3,01
- HKR,,OkToHibernate,3,01
- HKR,,DontSuspendIfStreamsAreRunning,3,01
- [StreamIP.Device.AddReg.NT]
- ;
- ; This section adds device params on NT
- ;
- HKR,,DriverUsesSWEnumToLoad,3,01
- HKR,,OkToHibernate,3,01
- HKR,,DontSuspendIfStreamsAreRunning,3,01
- [StreamIP.Device.CopyDrivers]
- StreamIP.sys
- [StreamIP.Device.CopyDll]
- ipsink.ax
- [StreamIP.Device.Interfaces]
- ; This line would be used ONLY if the device is not installed as an
- ; SWEnum device
- ;
- ;AddInterface=%GUID.BdaRenderer%,"GLOBAL",BDAcodec,
- ; This line adds the IPSink Plug-in's interface on the device
- ;
- AddInterface=%GUID.IPSinkPlugin%,"GLOBAL",IPSinkPlugin,
- [StreamIP.Device.NT.Interfaces]
- ; This line would be used ONLY if the device is not installed as an
- ; SWEnum device
- ;
- ;AddInterface=%GUID.BdaRenderer%,"GLOBAL",BDAcodec,
- ; This line adds the IPSink Plug-in's interface on the device
- ;
- AddInterface=%GUID.IPSinkPlugin%,"GLOBAL",IPSinkPlugin,
- [BDAcodec]
- AddReg=BDAcodec.AddReg
- [BDAcodec.AddReg]
- HKR,,FriendlyName,,%BDAcodec.FriendlyName%
- [IPSinkPlugin]
- AddReg=IPSinkPlugin.AddReg
- [IPSinkPlugin.AddReg]
- HKCR,CLSID\%GUID.IPSinkPlugin%,,,%PlugIn_IPSink%
- HKCR,CLSID\%GUID.IPSinkPlugin%\InprocServer32,,,ipsink.ax
- HKCR,CLSID\%GUID.IPSinkPlugin%\InprocServer32,ThreadingModel,,Both
- HKLM,System\CurrentControlSet\Control\MediaInterfaces\%GUID.IPSinkPlugin%,,,%PlugIn_IPSink%
- HKLM,System\CurrentControlSet\Control\MediaInterfaces\%GUID.IPSinkPlugin%,IID,1,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00
- [StreamIP.Device.NT.Services]
- ;
- ; This section is required to add the driver service on NT
- ;
- AddService = streamip ,0x00000002,StreamIP.ServiceInstall
- [StreamIP.ServiceInstall]
- DisplayName = %BDAcodec.DeviceDesc%
- ServiceBinary = %12%\StreamIP.sys
- LoadOrderGroup=ExtendedBase
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------
- ; S t r i n g s
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------
- [Strings]
- ;----------------
- ; Non-Localizable
- ;----------------
- RunOnce="SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce"
- ActiveMovieCategories="CLSID\{da4e3da0-d07d-11d0-bd50-00a0c911ce86}\Instance"
- Plugin_IPSink="WDM Streaming IPSink Property Set Handler"
- GUID.IPSinkPlugin="{3F4DC8E2-4050-11d3-8F4B-00C04F7971E2}"
- CLSID= "{17CCA71B-ECD7-11D0-B908-00A0C9223196}" ; KsProxy.ax's ID, REQUIRED
- BDAcatID= "{71985F4A-1CA1-11d3-9CC8-00C04F7971E0}"
- AMcatID= "{DA4E3DA0-D07D-11d0-BD50-00A0C911CE86}"
- IPV4PinID="{3fdffa70-ac9a-11d2-8f17-00c04f7971e2}"
- StreamIP.DeviceId="{D84D449B-62FB-4ebb-B969-5183ED3DFB51}"
- GUID.BdaRenderer= "{71985F4A-1CA1-11d3-9CC8-00C04F7971E0}"
- ;----------------
- ; Localizable
- ;----------------
- Msft= "Microsoft"
- MsftMfg= "Microsoft"
- IPV4PinName= "IPv4"
- BDAcodec.DeviceDesc= "BDA IPSink"
- BDAcodec.FriendlyName= "BDA IP Sink"
- Category_BdaRenderer= "BDA Rendering Filters"